Apex accepts PPO’s, Medicare, and Workers
Compensation Insurances
With the recent passage of “Direct Access” in California, you can now see an Apex therapist without seeing a physician or obtaining a prescription first (maximum 12 visits or 45 days).
We feel it best, both from a medical and reimbursement standpoint, that you see a physician and obtain a prescription prior to starting therapy.
Apex is a network provider with many major insurance companies. If we are not a network provider with your particular carrier, we can work with your plan through your out-of-network benefits. Every plan is different. In order to understand the specifics of your plan, please give our front office a call with your insurance information. We will get back to you with a full explanation of your benefits. In many cases, your in-network and out-of-network costs are comparable.
Each of our therapists is approved by Medicare providers.
Worker’s Compensation
Apex accepts Workers Compensation cases. It will greatly expedite your care if you provide us with information including the claim administrator, claim number, as well as, the name and phone number of your adjustor (case manager).
Apex is not contracted with any HMO’s.