How long will it take to get an appointment at Apex?

We try and schedule all patients within 1-5 days of their initial phone call. In order to give you the attention and care you deserve, each therapist has time “set aside” for initial consultations. We will make every attempt to accommodate your work and family life when scheduling follow-up therapy visits.

What paperwork do I need to fill out prior to my first evaluation?

You can use our website to download any necessary paperwork prior to your arrival or you can choose to have our receptionist help you at the time of your initial appointment. The paperwork takes approximately 15 minutes to fill out.

What should I wear to my appointment?

Work-out attire or loose-fitting clothes. It is important your clothes allow the therapist to examine your injured body part. For example, if you have shoulder pain, you may want to wear a tank top. If you have knee pain, you would want to wear shorts or loose-fitting sweats. You should wear athletic shoes as opposed to sandals or slides. Shirts and shorts are available should you need them.

What should I expect at my initial appointment?

Your time is valuable so our therapists will try and get to you soon after you finish your paperwork. Depending on your condition, your initial evaluation usually lasts 30-60 minutes and is followed by another 30 minutes of exercise in the clinic and/or instruction in exercise to begin at home.

Will it be painful?!

For the most part, the saying “no pain, no gain” is outdated. In fact, most of our patients feel better after therapy, even on their first day!

What type of follow-up visits should I expect?

Patients are seen 1-3x weekly for therapy, with most patients being seen 2X weekly. Average follow up treatment times range from 45-90 minutes depending on your condition and exercise tolerance.

Communicating with your physician

As a routine matter, your therapist will write a detailed progress note each time you go back to your physician. We can also call your physician if we have any questions regarding your care or if you are not progressing as quickly as expected.